#Parler was infested with #UpVoteBots
I noticed this shortly after Parler returned after being deplatformed by Amazon.
These #bots upvoted simultaneously. They had duplicated content (MOCIS, Time4coffee, Bencarsonteam) and thousands of upvotes, but zero comments. None were verified accounts.
I started calling out the accounts by name and reporting them to Parler. Soon they stopped. Some had blocked me. Others were deactivated.
Was Parler running these bots themselves to boost simulated participation?
Now my account is almost totally silent even though I supposedly have thousands of followers.
Be careful what you wish for. Parler is almost totally dead in terms of participation.
It was this stupidity that led me to self-hosting The Darker Net and The Bitstream
Let’s hope #GETTR doesn’t have the same problems.
Update: Twitter is out in full force with CovidBots
Please follow @Vincente for daily reminders to #StopTheStupid