Follow the science. I did.
Six months ago, I had a horrific case of the “Kung Flu” and survived with over the counter medication, and finally some amoxicillin to clear up the lungs.
With all of the talk of vaccinations, masks, reinfection and government scare tactics, I decided to get a COVID Antibody test to see if I indeed had immunity six months later. Sure enough.
IgG and IgM are two common types of antibodies found in the blood and they represent different stages of an immune response. The IgM antibody is the largest antibody found in the blood and lymph fluid, and the first to appear to fight off a new infection. IgM antibodies are the first line of immune defense against fighting pathogens. The immunoglobulin G (IgG), on the other hand, is the most common antibody found in the blood and a major effector molecule of the humoral response that accounts for about 75 percent of serum antibodies in humans.
Compared to antibodies of the IgM class, IgG antibodies have a relatively high affinity and persist in the circulation for a long time. The IgM antibodies are short-lived and their existence in the blood confirms that a new infection is present. An IgM test determines if someone has been recently infected or sometimes, it determines if someone is still infected. An IgG test, on the other hand, helps determine the immunity status following a virus infection or active immunization, or sometimes, it helps diagnose a persistent infection. IgG starts spiking as IgM starts coming down.
To sum it up, IgM is the first type of antibody produced in the system in response to an infection. IgM antibodies are the largest subclass of antibody found in the blood and lymph fluid. They are the first line of immune defense against fighting pathogens. The IgM antibodies are short-lived and their existence in the blood confirms that a new infection is present. On the contrary, IgG antibodies are formed later than IgM antibodies and they persist in the circulation for a long time. IgG antibodies express their predominant activity during a secondary antibody response. Because IgG antibodies are usually sustained for a longer time, they play a fundamental role in lasting immunity.
I got my ANITIBODIES the old fashioned way. I EARNED THEM. #StopTheStupid